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May 09, 2024
In Simul Quarterly
Hello and welcome to the brand new Local News Station here at Coexisting Connections! My name is Lucius Scarletwound and I am here to bring you the news as often as necessary. Thanks for your continuous support! Today marks about three weeks since registrations for magics has begun and though Simul has been incredibly helpful in this endeavor, we want to remind everyone of what our goals are. Community:  Under this law, all Simul citizens will abide by a new curfew. This law only stands in city limits. Until the perpetrators of the crimes against Simul have been found and punished, the curfew will stand between the hours of 9 PM and 6 AM. All citizens must be inside between these hours. All businesses inside of city limits must adjust their hours accordingly. All businesses will be compensated by the Royal Fund with proper documentation of loss of revenue. All requests must be sent to Ferren Drebek, Royal Quarters, Eleutheria.  Safety: Until a new royal family can be assigned, Siphoning Mages have been increased in order to be disbursed throughout Simul. Every major city and landmark will now be equipped with roaming Siphoning Mages to patrol the area. This is for the safety of our people. Until the crime has been quelled, Siphoning Mages will make their homes among the people. If you would like to house a Mage, please contact the Royal Quarters in order to set a meeting and be qualified. Any and all who offer aid will be compensated for their time, room and board.  Trust: Any and all magical technology and persons (Non-Humans or Magical Humans) must register their abilities and capabilities. Alongside the Siphoning Mages, groups of Treasurers will accompany them in order to survey the populace. This may seem a bit invasive, but this is for the safety of all. Those who have taken lives and caused suffrage have yet to be brought to justice. Until that time, for the peace of mind of every soul, we must be open about who we all are. Any persons or items found to not be registered will immediately be confiscated and/or jailed until proper paperwork is obtained. From the date of this article, all persons/items must be registered within the next 7 days. Persons registered will have a card designated to them which must be on their person at all times for identification purposes. You can register at your local post office or main city entrances. There will be temporary offices designated for this purpose. Vigilance: This is not a new law, but more a warning for citizens. If you see something or someone magical, please use caution. Do not treat your fellow man any differently, however! That is not what we are doing here. We just want people to be safe and secure. This is why Identification Cards will be provided. If someone magical refuses to identify themselves, or have proper paperwork for magical items, please contact your local authorities. It may just be that they did not see the announcements. You will be doing them a favor! The faster we identify those with magic, the faster we can find and deal with the assailants on our land. Thank you so much to those who have already registered yourselves and your items. For those who still have not, the deadline may have passed, but we are still traveling the lands in order to make the transition much easier. As of this day, Sudbury is the only city that has no office in order to register. Unfortunately, communication between the Ferren Force and the local leaders of the magical city have broken down. We are still working on things, and until then, the city will be heavily guarded with the SM until we can come to an agreement that makes everyone's lives a little easier. As always, travel safe and stay amazing Simul. This is Lucius Scarletwound signing off.
May 01, 2024
In Memoirs of Simul
Credit: @Viana
What even is sleep? content media
May 01, 2024
In Memoirs of Simul
Credit: @auroratropicalis on Discord
Lewdgacy content media
May 01, 2024
In Memoirs of Simul
Credit: @Spook
Gnome content media
May 01, 2024
In Memoirs of Simul
Credit: @Leighton Jellybean
IYKYK content media
Apr 16, 2024
In Events and Holidays
Part One: How long had it been since he had actually felt the sun on his skin? Timothy had been out of his mind for too long and he knew it. She had distracted him. She had put him in a place hoping that he would continue to forget. Clever. But, her distractions had held her up long enough that his mind had ‘come back’ to him. It was time to pay. It was time to remind them. The sun had left its scar across the tree tops, casting elongated shadows reminiscent of the eldritch horrors that were about to be upon every soul Simul held. As dusk fell upon every home, Timothy added to the potion of night. It was nothing tangible at first; only the sound of wind through tattered robes. His leathered body made its way north west from Sudbury, aiming his hollow eyes at the distant capitol. Quietly, at first, his chapped lips parted to spill forth a spell he had been preparing for months.  ”Cadant. Guadeant.” “Mother.” The look upon Hilda’s eldest son, Lloyd’s face was more than just haunting. His eyes, wide with silent terror, pierced the dim candle light of her study. His tall frame quivered noticeably while his hands gripped the bottom hem of his royal green tunic that he had already dressed into for bed.  “What is it, my son?”  “I-I could not find father a-and…something is wrong.” He had to speak nothing more as the queen had already risen from her perch and hastily walked toward him. Her expression was a near perfect copy of his own while uncertainty pumped through her veins.  ”Pro animabus suis.” “He just-just fell down.” Mother and son stood in the archway that led to the younger of the brothers’ room. Herald, still in his day dress, lay on the crimson rug that kept his otherwise cold marble floor warm. His eyes, rounded, peered up toward them. No. ….he wasn’t looking at them. He was looking passed them, into the darkness of the hallway. And even as his mother fell to her knees and took his head into her lap and did what she could to bring him back to reality, his blank stare persisted. Lloyd could only stand there, staring back at the eyes he knew held nothing behind them.  Hilda screamed.  ”Non relinquam.” Thud. “What in the-” Alfred’s voice rang clear, if only to be cut off by the sight before him. His  dear wife holding their youngest son close to her chest while his eldest, the heir to the Fortescue Throne, lay mere inches away with the same, empty eyes, directed at him. By the time the king could muster enough thought to yell for help, something else happened. One of the last memories he would have.  Hilda’s crying had ceased. Her beautiful eyes, too, widened, as if she were frightened. Her lips trembled and quaked, aching to say something. Before she could, the sound of her head hitting the marble floor echoed back at her husband. The imaginary concussive force was enough to send Alfred staggering backward, reaching out for anything to hold himself up. All while he watched his family slowly melt onto the floor… ”Vocant nomen meum. Volunt pacem.: The scene itself was one that could cause even the most disciplined monk to falter on their feet. But the smell. Their flesh bubbled, blistered, burning from the inside and splitting open to make way for rivers of mushed muscle and liquified organs. It did not stop there. For, the moment there was nothing but puddles and bones, even they began to break down. Cracks riddled the surface of their skeletons before finally shattering, sprinkling into the pools that were once the king’s cherished family.  The castle rang with the sound of a howling that could only be described as agony in vibration.  ”Et hac nocte.” The frigid grip on Alfred’s shoulder was the only thing that had his incessant screaming pause. And if it were not for the sight of Timothy behind the non consented collision, perhaps the king would have had half a mind to continue his uncontrolled wailing. However, he would be joining the family he had just lost. If only he knew. If only anyone could have stopped it.  The Doctor leaned in, allowing his icy breath to wash over Alfred’s cheekbone.  ”Cessabunt.” Part Two: As reported on BREAKING NEWS: It is my displeasure to bring the most current news to Simul. As much as I would love to not have to relay this information, it is my duty to keep you all informed and as safe as I can. With that, I must weave together the details of last night’s horrors.  Before the sun began to descend, something else fell upon our great kingdom. From what we can gather, the first attack was in Korrig. Despite the docks already having taken a major hit, it appears the assailants decided they needed to come back to finish the job. Unfortunately, the structures are a complete loss. Even worse, it has been reported that more than 20 people are still missing while the casualties are nearing the same number and injuries have topped 33.  From what we can tell, the next attack was shortly thereafter in Timberholde. Every city entrance was reportedly blown apart and virtually sealing the city inside of itself. This also included grave damage to the newest addition, the train. The station and surrounding area have been destroyed beyond repair. Casualties have reached 67, more than 40 have been injured and another 17 are still missing.  Another attack mere hours after came in the form of another explosion. This one took out the entirety of the bridge from the mainland to Curet Insula. No fatalities have been reported, but it has only been a few hours since receiving the news and searches are still in effect.  I wish I could say that I have reported everything. I wish I could tell you great people that we can recover from this. I wish I had the magic words…something to give you all hope. Unfortunately, with this last piece of information I have to bear, I cannot fathom how we are to unite. At just past 8 last night, Eleutheria and our royal family was attacked. According to the guards and surviving staff, nothing was out of the ordinary until they heard Hilda scream and then what sounded like a man being tortured. This man is assumed to be King Alfred. Apparently, shortly after, a fire broke out, causing many of the people who also lived in the castle to flee with little to nothing to the second story of the city. Still, 13 are missing and feared dead. The royal family was never located, even after the fire was quelled.  There was but a note left at the scene. This note had a confession and confessions to more crimes that were, unfortunately, confirmed this morning. The entire Fortescue bloodline has been murdered. Sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandfathers and grandmothers… all of the bloodline has been taken from Simul in the most horrid of ways. I cannot even begin to write what information I have been given.  Simul…please. PLEASE be safe. I know we are now living in a very uncertain time. I have faith that we will be okay. Please, look after yourselves, your families, your neighbors and your cities.  This is Flynn, signing off.  Part Three: “How convenient.” The voice, as smooth as honey with a sting of whiskey, Ferren stepped forward, his arms outstretched toward the seated crowd. The room, only illuminated by candle light, held more shadows than souls. Upon his stage, the only thing separating him and his patrons was a large, ancient oak lectern. Atop, an open book. The leather case had obviously seen better days and the pages between looked to have been made of tissue paper. Sullen and sunken eyes peered out from the darkness, aching to see what their fearless leader had to say.  “It has come to my attention that Simul needs us. A lesson we have been trying to relay, yet, have been ignored. The time is now. We must offer our services to aid those in need. We must smile in the face of danger. We must provide comfort and care. We must protect those who cannot protect themselves.  “As we have known since the beginning of time, magic-” A resounding hiss echoed through the masses, disgust rolling from their tongues. “-has brought nothing but pain and agony. Those who are not pure and normal have kept us in the dark for too long. They keep us from living normal lives. Safe lives. They took our king from us!” The hiss had quickly turned into grunts and chants of agreement. A haunting melody of what was to come. Ferren’s arms fell, his palms landing on the book he treasured. A disgusting smile growing on his oddly proportioned face.  “We will make Simul ours again. We will make it safe. It is time for us to go to Eleutheria.” — It would take exactly 21 days to reach their destination. It was not a direct route by any means. Of course it wasn’t. They had to make sure that people knew them, that people would stand with them when the time came. The time would come, and the group of ten would stand in front of what was rebuilt of the royal family’s castle. Messages had already been received, which had allowed Ferren and his entourage to enter without question. For two days more, meetings were held and plans were made. It was indeed their time.  — “People of Simul!” Much like he had spoken his piece in front of his congregation, Ferren stood on the second story balcony of the castle. His entire form was easily seen by every set of eyes on the grounds. There had been posters and announcements made, telling of a man who had offered his ‘services’ in place of a royal family until Simul could heal. The news had promised this man had plans and safety. And that is exactly what he planned to do…to say.  “We have been through hell and back. We have survived. We will continue to thrive. We may have lost our leaders, but we still have one another. From this moment on, I promise to make sure no tragedy like the recent happens ever again.” Silence befell him. It may have appeared he was taking in the trust and admiration of the people…but in the depths of his mind, a singular cog was churning. Oh, how these people trusted him.  “There will be changes to our kingdom. There will be safety.”  Part Four: As reported on BREAKING NEWS: Dear Simul, This will be my last article until further notice. Do not fret friends! The news will make it to you, I promise! Before I hand Simul Quarterly to our newest host, Lucius Scarletwound, I would like to take this opportunity to deliver not only an amazing update for the citizens of Simul, but I would love to formally introduce you to our newest writer.  Lucius Scarletwound of Timberholde is a born and raised citizen who has loved our land as much as anyone. Not only is he a very talented writer, but he also has many friends in many places. I trust that Lucius will uphold the truth and safety of the people!  Now, back to what you all have been waiting so anxiously for: What is new in Simul? Since the coronation of our new leader, Ferren, our kingdom has undergone some very large changes. Much as the Pastor promised, he has begun to implement many new rules and laws in order to rebuild and keep you all safe. Now, I understand that some of these changes and promises have caused a bit of a stir when it comes to our magical community, but I must iterate; this is for the best. Considering the hell we the people have had to endure these last few months, it is necessary that we come together and make one another feel safe. Ferren has promised more than just safety. He has promised order and community. I, for one, may be one of the magical that must adjust how I live, but if it makes Simul rest easier, then I am willing to do such.  Compiled below are the news laws that will mark a new age in Simul’s history.  Community:  Under this law, all Simul citizens will abide by a new curfew. This law only stands in city limits. Until the perpetrators of the crimes against Simul have been found and punished, the curfew will stand between the hours of 9 PM and 6 AM. All citizens must be inside between these hours. All businesses inside of city limits must adjust their hours accordingly. All businesses will be compensated by the Royal Fund with proper documentation of loss of revenue. All requests must be sent to Ferren Drebek, Royal Quarters, Eleutheria.  Safety: Until a new royal family can be assigned, Siphoning Mages have been increased in order to be disbursed throughout Simul. Every major city and landmark will now be equipped with roaming Siphoning Mages to patrol the area. This is for the safety of our people. Until the crime has been quelled, Siphoning Mages will make their homes among the people. If you would like to house a Mage, please contact the Royal Quarters in order to set a meeting and be qualified. Any and all who offer aid will be compensated for their time, room and board.  Trust: Any and all magical technology and persons (Non-Humans or Magical Humans) must register their abilities and capabilities. Alongside the Siphoning Mages, groups of Treasurers will accompany them in order to survey the populace. This may seem a bit invasive, but this is for the safety of all. Those who have taken lives and caused suffrage have yet to be brought to justice. Until that time, for the peace of mind of every soul, we must be open about who we all are. Any persons or items found to not be registered will immediately be confiscated and/or jailed until proper paperwork is obtained. From the date of this article, all persons/items must be registered within the next 7 days. Persons registered will have a card designated to them which must be on their person at all times for identification purposes. You can register at your local post office or main city entrances. There will be temporary offices designated for this purpose. Vigilance: This is not a new law, but more a warning for citizens. If you see something or someone magical, please use caution. Do not treat your fellow man any differently, however! That is not what we are doing here. We just want people to be safe and secure. This is why Identification Cards will be provided. If someone magical refuses to identify themselves, or have proper paperwork for magical items, please contact your local authorities. It may just be that they did not see the announcements. You will be doing them a favor! The faster we identify those with magic, the faster we can find and deal with the assailants on our land. Thank you Simul, for trusting me all this time with your news! This Flynn, signing off until further notice. I will miss you.  Part Five: To come.
Apr 16, 2024
In Simul Quarterly
Dear Simul, This will be my last article until further notice. Do not fret friends! The news will make it to you, I promise! Before I hand Simul Quarterly to our newest host, Lucius Scarletwound, I would like to take this opportunity to deliver not only an amazing update for the citizens of Simul, but I would love to formally introduce you to our newest writer.  Lucius Scarletwound of Timberholde is a born and raised citizen who has loved our land as much as anyone. Not only is he a very talented writer, but he also has many friends in many places. I trust that Lucius will uphold the truth and safety of the people!  Now, back to what you all have been waiting so anxiously for: What is new in Simul? Since the coronation of our new leader, Ferren, our kingdom has undergone some very large changes. Much as the Pastor promised, he has begun to implement many new rules and laws in order to rebuild and keep you all safe. Now, I understand that some of these changes and promises have caused a bit of a stir when it comes to our magical community, but I must iterate; this is for the best. Considering the hell we the people have had to endure these last few months, it is necessary that we come together and make one another feel safe. Ferren has promised more than just safety. He has promised order and community. I, for one, may be one of the magical that must adjust how I live, but if it makes Simul rest easier, then I am willing to do such.  Compiled below are the news laws that will mark a new age in Simul’s history.  Community:  Under this law, all Simul citizens will abide by a new curfew. This law only stands in city limits. Until the perpetrators of the crimes against Simul have been found and punished, the curfew will stand between the hours of 9 PM and 6 AM. All citizens must be inside between these hours. All businesses inside of city limits must adjust their hours accordingly. All businesses will be compensated by the Royal Fund with proper documentation of loss of revenue. All requests must be sent to Ferren Drebek, Royal Quarters, Eleutheria.  Safety: Until a new royal family can be assigned, Siphoning Mages have been increased in order to be disbursed throughout Simul. Every major city and landmark will now be equipped with roaming Siphoning Mages to patrol the area. This is for the safety of our people. Until the crime has been quelled, Siphoning Mages will make their homes among the people. If you would like to house a Mage, please contact the Royal Quarters in order to set a meeting and be qualified. Any and all who offer aid will be compensated for their time, room and board.  Trust: Any and all magical technology and persons (Non-Humans or Magical Humans) must register their abilities and capabilities. Alongside the Siphoning Mages, groups of Treasurers will accompany them in order to survey the populace. This may seem a bit invasive, but this is for the safety of all. Those who have taken lives and caused suffrage have yet to be brought to justice. Until that time, for the peace of mind of every soul, we must be open about who we all are. Any persons or items found to not be registered will immediately be confiscated and/or jailed until proper paperwork is obtained. From the date of this article, all persons/items must be registered within the next 7 days. Persons registered will have a card designated to them which must be on their person at all times for identification purposes. You can register at your local post office or main city entrances. There will be temporary offices designated for this purpose. Vigilance: This is not a new law, but more a warning for citizens. If you see something or someone magical, please use caution. Do not treat your fellow man any differently, however! That is not what we are doing here. We just want people to be safe and secure. This is why Identification Cards will be provided. If someone magical refuses to identify themselves, or have proper paperwork for magical items, please contact your local authorities. It may just be that they did not see the announcements. You will be doing them a favor! The faster we identify those with magic, the faster we can find and deal with the assailants on our land. Thank you Simul, for trusting me all this time with your news! This Flynn, signing off until further notice. I will miss you.
Apr 16, 2024
In Simul Quarterly
It is my displeasure to bring the most current news to Simul. As much as I would love to not have to relay this information, it is my duty to keep you all informed and as safe as I can. With that, I must weave together the details of last night’s horrors.  Before the sun began to descend, something else fell upon our great kingdom. From what we can gather, the first attack was in Korrig. Despite the docks already having taken a major hit, it appears the assailants decided they needed to come back to finish the job. Unfortunately, the structures are a complete loss. Even worse, it has been reported that more than 20 people are still missing while the casualties are nearing the same number and injuries have topped 33.  From what we can tell, the next attack was shortly thereafter in Timberholde. Every city entrance was reportedly blown apart and virtually sealing the city inside of itself. This also included grave damage to the newest addition, the train. The station and surrounding area have been destroyed beyond repair. Casualties have reached 67, more than 40 have been injured and another 17 are still missing.  Another attack mere hours after came in the form of another explosion. This one took out the entirety of the bridge from the mainland to Curet Insula. No fatalities have been reported, but it has only been a few hours since receiving the news and searches are still in effect.  I wish I could say that I have reported everything. I wish I could tell you great people that we can recover from this. I wish I had the magic words…something to give you all hope. Unfortunately, with this last piece of information I have to bear, I cannot fathom how we are to unite. At just past 8 last night, Eleutheria and our royal family was attacked. According to the guards and surviving staff, nothing was out of the ordinary until they heard Hilda scream and then what sounded like a man being tortured. This man is assumed to be King Alfred. Apparently, shortly after, a fire broke out, causing many of the people who also lived in the castle to flee with little to nothing to the second story of the city. Still, 13 are missing and feared dead. The royal family was never located, even after the fire was quelled.  There was but a note left at the scene. This note had a confession and confessions to more crimes that were, unfortunately, confirmed this morning. The entire Fortescue bloodline has been murdered. Sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandfathers and grandmothers… all of the bloodline has been taken from Simul in the most horrid of ways. I cannot even begin to write what information I have been given.  Simul…please. PLEASE be safe. I know we are now living in a very uncertain time. I have faith that we will be okay. Please, look after yourselves, your families, your neighbors and your cities.  This is Flynn, signing off.
Mar 29, 2024
In Simul Quarterly
Panic on the northern coast this morning, dear Simul. News coming out of Arbrestor is haunting. According to authorities, during the early morning hours, before sunrise, a group of ten or more assailants descended upon the docks that provide great resource to our kingdom. What seemed to be a fair amount of tourists quickly turned into a horrific display of fire and acid type magics. Some witnesses that survived reported seeing a line of people taking steps in tandem toward the docks, aiming for where the most ships were housed before eruptions of flames and some sort of caustic mist. From what I could decipher from the reports given, these people appeared to be magics of some sort, robed in cloth that is eerily close to the description of the other attacks of late. Unfortunately, there are not description of the faces, only the numbers and the robes. As of this afternoon, it has been reported that there are 56 injured, 13 dead and over 40 still missing. The King, Alfred Fortescue, has put out a statement: "Dear Citizens Of Simul, The news of yet another tragedy in our kingdom brings me more than just sadness. As your king, it is my job to make sure you are all safe, sound, and healthy. I am doing my best to make sure these things stay true til the end of my time and another takes my place. I am sending aide in the form of money, food, and people to every area that has been affected. We are organizing forces to also aide in security in our most vulnerable cities and towns. If you have been affected by hardship, please reach out to the incoming forces and you will be helped in any way we can. Please, stay safe Simul. We WILL overcome this. We WILL defeat this evil." This is Flynn, signing off.
Mar 22, 2024
In Simul Quarterly
It does not bring any ounce of joy to report on this story today, Simul. We just got word that there was yet ANOTHER random attack on our great kingdom. Astu Aether's portal tree, that sits on the southern coast of Simul, that also allows for easier travel to the floating city, has been the victim of arson. From what information we have gathered and statements provided by witnesses, it seems that a singular man, heavily robed in dark clothing had come in the night to set the bottom of the tree on fire. Some sort of fluid had been used which is what caused most of the damage. The only good news is that there WERE witnesses that were able to extinguish the flames before the tree was unsalvageable. The city leader of Astu Aether has put out a statement regarding the issue: "My people and my city are my first priority when it comes to safety. For the foreseeable future, we will be positioning guards at the tree that will take personal information for all those coming and going from Astu Aether. Please have a little patience. We are doing this for the safety of everyone." We here at Coexisting Connections send our best. This is Flynn, signing off.
Mar 21, 2024
In Simul Quarterly
BREAKING NEWS Sad news out of Tranquillum today. Every year, tens of thousands of Similuams look forward to one of our most coveted holidays: Lux Amare. This year, something awful has happened. Various witnesses have come forth to describe a horrid scene of assailants murdering the Cor. Not just killing them, but petrifying them, only halfway. Many of the statements we cannot repeat here at Coexisting Connections. We do have a photo submitted by a long time listener and an unfortunate witness to the events. Please, look on only if you must. According to stories, a darkly shrouded individual ran through the forest that is Tranquillum, stopping at every Cor they saw, and used some sort of magical fog emit from their fingers. Once this 'fog' reached the innocent animals, they were...'frozen'. This can only be described as a 'half attempt at turning them into stone'. Now, we have no proof that all of these instances are connected in any way, but by the sounds of some of the statements, it may just be possible. Please folks, stay safe out there. If you see something, say something. This is Flynn, signing off.
BREAKING NEWS (Original Date February 9, 2024) content media
Mar 21, 2024
In Simul Quarterly
BREAKING NEWS Yet another sad story. This one out of Korrig Harbor City. It was reported two hours ago that a group of four people (Three men and one woman) were witnessed setting a blaze to three docks on the ocean. Not only were the docks destroyed, but various ships, costing the victims hundreds of thousands of coin. Authorities have no announced how many casualties, if any, but there have been reports of upwards of fifteen people missing or not accounted for. After putting together all witness statements, our crew has drawn, to the best of their abilities, what the perpatrators may have looked like. It is asked, if anyone has any other information, to contact your local authorities. All donations or any able bodied individuals who would like to help, please visit Korrig and head on over to Dock's Harbor. The owner has been organizing relief efforts and can instruct you on how to best aide. This is Flynn, signing off...
BREAKING NEWS (Original Date February 1, 2024) content media
Mar 21, 2024
In Simul Quarterly
BREAKING NEWS As someone who is magical, I find myself very concerned with the recent breaking stories we have had to covere here at Coexisiting Connections. But it is my duty to keep the people of Simul informed, and I will always keep that promise. Less than 24 hours ago, it was brought to our attention that there was a murder in Gao Shan. 32 year old Yang Da of Gao Shan was murdered in his back garden. According to GSP, Yang was shoveling a path to his back shed when he was attacked. Witnesses stated they they had heard the screams of the young man. One neighbor said they had rushed outside and saw Yang being attacked by an unnamed assailant dressed in dark robes that masked their face. However, it was also reported that the attacker had used a fire magic. "All I saw was fire coming from their hands while they punched and kicked Mr. Da. I tried to climb the gate, but I was too late. The murderer sprouted wings and disappeared into the sky!" GSP ask for the people to keep a vigilant stance and report anything suspect. Our condolences go out to Yang's family. This is Flynn, signing off.
Mar 21, 2024
In Simul Quarterly
Did ya miss me? I bet you did. But have no fear, as it is I, Flynn, back at it again with some Simul News! I just wish it was all good news. It seems there have been some havoc among our citizens. I have done my best to keep you all updated as news reaches my desk here at Coexisting Connections, but I am only one 'person'. I can only do so much. I do appreciate your trust in me, however, and I will continue to do my best! With the unfortunate breaking news stories, it seems that a lot of Simul citizens have been looking down upon those of us who are magic users. Can we really blame them? As 'magical' as this land is, we have always had that tiny line of...suspicion when it comes to the supernatural. I had done my own digging, attempting to find who or what is causing such chaos. I just can't. This will not stop me from trying! We all deserve answers! As much as I could ramble all day about the awful happenings in the dark, I think it's time for a lighter subject. It's finally a new year! You know what that means? Yet another time for us to unite and become one. Simul;s foundation has always been unification against all odds. The whisperings on the winds tell me that is exactly what you good people plan on doing. So, hug your loved ones, share your wealth, and send positive energy out into the world. This year will be Simul's best yet! Oh! Speaking of! One last note before I leave you. A local nobel has decided to be a sort of 'Secret Saint'. Unfortunately, to keep their identity hidden, they haven't had a moment to try and recruit for this special gift. So, I, Flynn, promised to get the word out! Take a gander at the letter below. So, if it is not clear enough here, if you know someone deserving of an all expenses paid home, please write us a letter on Simul Social, or through our mail system, and tag Coexisting Connections, telling us who and why! The Secret Saint will announce the lucky person/family in three days from today! As always, with love, Flynn.
Simul Quarterly Issue 3 (Original Date January 2, 2024) content media
Mar 21, 2024
In Simul Quarterly
BREAKING NEWS Yet another massive upset of the people has come in the form of something...unseen. With the disappearance of local wildlife on the Northern Coast, citizens of Simul have taken notice. Whispers of a mad man "melting flesh" from "carcasses and live animals" have been spreading like wildfire across the northern parts of our great kingdom. Some have made it their duty to find whoever this person/s are/is, but the only facts we have learned is that the person keeps to an area not easily reached on the cliffside near the ocean. Witnesses state that there was more than one person during the time of the incident. It appeared that only one was the aggressor. Flames have eaten away the cliff face and the landscape has slid into the ocean. There is no news on survivors or who the people were in the area. Will update when more is known. Please be safe, folks. This is Flynn, signing off.
Mar 21, 2024
In Simul Quarterly
BREAKING NEWS It has come to our attention that there was a recent attack on Dry Gulch! Witnesses say that a group of less than a dozen, but more than eight people descended upon the northern ship port of Dry Gulch and attacked a seaman. Not only was the ship burned to ashes, but the dock in which it was parked. Unfortunately, the owner, Warren Thule, was killed in the incident, alongside his wife and four children. It has also been clarified that this group of murderers did so with the use of fire magic. One witness overheard the spells being spoken by one perpetrator, while the rest were, allegedly, standing around and helping fuel the aforementioned attack. It is not clear if local authorities have caught any of the suspects, but the good people of Dry Gulch have been preparing for a witch hunt....This does not sound good, people of Simul. This does not sound good at all. This is your local News Officiant, Flynn, signing off...
Mar 21, 2024
In Simul Quarterly
Hello again my fellow Simulians! Tis your one and only, yet somehow, favorite Simul Social Personality! I’m back with another issue of Simul Quarterly for your eyes to feast upon. Since our last newsworthy update, our fair kingdom has been relatively quiet and peaceful. Well…as peaceful as it can be with the fear of looming doom. I am sure there is nothing to panic about! I did hear through the grapevine that something had happened recently. Soooooo, our favorite tavern, Mary’s, was attacked a few weeks back. Apparently, the assailant had blown off the whole front of her beautiful establishment! I did hear someone even DIED. Who in the hell does that? At least there were some nice folks that helped her rebuild fairly quickly. But you know what’s strange? Though there were witnesses….no one spoke a name. Perhaps I will do some digging. On a lighter note! Two of Simul’s favorite holidays are coming up fast! First, Canto Mortuus. Every year, the battle for the most treats takes place. Alongside the opening of Soulstagne’s magical barrier, this holiday brings together families and friends in ways that can only happen on this special day. Be sure to make quick work of those calories, for the Festival of the Hunter’s Moon comes next. Our best and brightest adventurers will take to the wilds and procure enough meat for all of Simul to eat happily through the rest of the winter months. Do you think you have what it takes to be this years’ “Heroic Hunter” and dethrone Evan Skjöld'Drek? –How do you even pronounce that--? Wanna know something cool? I heard that there is an upcoming competition! All the deets below! Process and Rules: 📌 You must list your character(s) that will be participating in Suggest and Discuss with "Participants" 📌You can have as many characters as you want take part in this event 📌You are only allowed one post (As long as you like), per character 📌Your character is only allowed ONE action (A mix of more than one ability, if that is something they can do, is allowed, but must be only one action) 📌The bubble in which your character enters is completely indestructible, so the action can be as destructive as you want 📌Your character may bring props into the bubble for show of ability 📌NO edits OR deletes of posts allowed. That character will be disqualified. (If you accidentally post before your post is completed, please ping a staff in Suggest and Discuss so we know why you deleted your post) 📌Your post must be completed between 10-2 12 AM MST and 10-4 11:50 PM MST 📌Your post must have your character explaining what the ability is and what its purpose is 📌One of the staff members will post and ping each participant in Timberholde when the event starts, and may be setting the scene. 📌Once the event starts, anyone not participating can vote for their favorite posts by leaving a single reaction on said post. You only get ONE vote, but can change it if something else catches your eye. Choose wisely. 📌Staff will be the “Judge Panel” and will be judging posts on the following:     📌Beauty in execution     📌Effectiveness of ability(ies)     📌Stance     📌Effective Range     📌Energy Cost     📌Each reaction from onlookers will add to final score 📌Winner will recieve the custom role of "Master of the Magical-2023" Winner of the title! @Silver Drafaylum Thank you for reading Simul Quarterly! This is Flynn, signing off!
Simul Quarterly Issue 2 (Original Date September, 2023) content media
Mar 21, 2024
In Simul Quarterly
Hello all Simulians! With our newfound strength and technologies, we here at Coexisting Connections would like to present our first ever Simul Quarterly! We will make it our mission to give the people local and relevant 'gossip' of the kingdom to keep all of you in the know. So....where do we start? How about this whole new technology thing? Don't get this writer wrong, what happened in Timberholde will forever scar the minds and souls of the people of Simul. Having lost so many lives and homes, the awful event will haunt us til the end of time. Yet, Simulians are resilient! Not only has our largest city been rebuilt, but the survivors are thriving among the living! We have even acquired some new faces and even more new things. As word and teachings have been spread word of mouth, Simul is now home to many new objects that are seemingly making life so much easier! Have you seen those automobiles? I, myself have attained a brand new Telegem and cannot go a day without it. Being able to communicate with friends and family so easily is just top notch! You know what else I heard? Those who aided in Timberholde were given special deeds from the King himself! I am not sure what it was, but I also heard that it was big. I wish we knew who these people were so we could give them a day or something... Needless to say, Simul seems to have recovered quite nicely. Now, for the fun stuff! Do you find yourself lonely? Looking for love, but not finding anyone of note to take home to the parents? Wishing you knew where to find Mr. Right with the deep pockets mayhaps? Look no further than our next section! Introducing: Simul's Most Eligible Bachelors!!!! Bachelor Number One: @Muse  Meet Alabaster. Successful in mineral and gemology, if he is tasked with appraising such things. Able to create diamonds and various gems and other precious stones, could be rich if he found it necessary. Enjoys sunshine and likes dogs and flowers. Look at that glowing skin! Isn't he a handsome hunk of man? (After Simul Quarterly is published, Alabaster find himself having a very difficult time leaving his home without at least three different people waiting outside, oh so patiently for him to emerge, for more than three months following. With bright eyes and clasped hands, most of the requests are not for his undivided attention so much as gifts. "I'm poor!" "I broke my pendant!" "Can you really produce gems?" None of these requests are so simple, however, having the uncanny tint of lust behind every word uttered. Almost...uncomfortably. How did they even find him?) Bachelor Number Two: @Licht  Introducing Regnar. Though he is a devil-possessed and widely feared for that reason, he runs a successful blacksmithing operation, though he is mostly absent if not on search for rare materials or on any other business, personal or otherwise. Something of an equivalent to a popular other-wordly game serious character type, thriving on heretical strength without concern for things like status or public opinion. If he didn't spend most of his time playing dark hero, he would most likely amass a decent fortune through his business. Tough as nails, with all the brawn to back up his sharp tongue.  Hot damn, amirite?  (After Simul Quarterly is published, business is booming! At first, it was slow building, but eventually, Regnar would find himself quite overrun with many orders....all in person, of course. The flirty eyes and gifts of sweets are enough to make anyone sick, but, as like most things, it would be nice at first. After eight weeks of having to play coy or outright deny the advances, he starts to find...notes nailed to his door.) Bachelor Number Three: @Lord Fantasy   Xavier Alabaster Alfonse, legally demonstrable good boy. Psychically capable, dabbles in alchemy, most importantly having a cute face, scritchable ears, and an impeccable fashion sense. Perhaps even more most importantly, rich by family name. He's even a mysterious detective! Do you think he is skilled enough to make it to your heart? (After Simul Quarterly is published, Xavier feels embarrassed enough from the initial influx of affection and recognition that he starts to avoid new detective work for a while. Staying home and keeping himself as busy as possible, he soon finds himself bored and...well, lonely. So, after a few weeks, he is certain that things have blown over and he can go get himself some food to fill his cupboards. Unfortunately, the die-hard fans have been waiting just behind the corner this whole time. The sound a squeal of happiness damn near shreds his ears to bits.) Bachelor Number Four: @Jellopy  Lord Virgiliu Munteanu. A nobleman from a mountainous land's old money, has since acquired a fertile plot of land in Simul. The finest hunter in the kingdom (don't look it up), able to wrest wild beasts bare-handed, terrify bears with a single stare, and lift two women on each hand, his ALPHA MALE PRESENCE cowers lesser men within his sight. All that Virgiliu's heart desires rightfully belongs to him, and whatever doesn't, he will force into submission. His generosity is without bounds. As the greatest hunter of the kingdom (don't look it up), he often shares the spoils of his unparalleled hunts in his great feasts in his old-fashioned stone castle, where he also allows weary travelers to rest. But if someone fails to show him the respect he is owed (which is very easy, he's entitled as a bitch), he will make a bloody example out of them. While he casually enjoys the delights of women and is always accepting more, Virgiliu is only truly interested in those high-value enough to stand side-by-side with him, to terrorize towns together and claim their rights as King and Queen. Are you simply looking for a night of the excesses only an ALPHA MALE can provide, or will you be the one to shroud the land in darkness with him? He looks like the total...package. (After Simul Quarterly is published, Virgiliu will find himself quite enjoying the added attention he is getting. All the ladies and all the men, flocking and flaunting all over him. Hell, he could have easily bitten and fed off of any of them...Weeks would go by and he would feel like a KING, but something just felt off. What was it? Wait a minute...where was his favorite toy, Max? After digging himself from the pile of harem he had created, Virgiliu would traverse the large home his followers had built him just outside of the newly finished Timberholde to find Max, the cat boy, bowing before a golden statue of the vampire that hadn't been there before and chanting. All it would take was a clearing of Virgiliu's throat to prompt Max to turn around, knife in hand and a wild grin on his face. "If I can't have you to myself...") Bachelor Number Five: @Zero Kisaragi This is Zero. A "man of no consequence" by his own description. That humble façade hides an extremely capable researcher and fighter that tends to venture out in the world and collect his own research material, magical artifacts, often from the lairs of dangerous creatures. Outside of that, he governs a city far away from Simul, under a different name. He values knowledge and a willingness to expand ones knowledge more than anything else. Despite his looks, he is also extremely tough and knowledgeable himself. Aloof and rational, but kindhearted when given the chance. A traveler that could likely do with someone traveling at his side, or someone that guides him home.  A face even your mother would love! (After Simul Quarterly is published, while out on a short artifact retrieval mission mostly for personal purposes, Zero hadn't even heard of this 'list' he had been mentioned in. This...was not to his fortune. As he often did, the shadow had come close to finding the item in question, some sort of locket that supposedly contained the soul of a future God, when he happened across the path of three women. Now, smiling, very beautiful ladies standing in the depths of a long abandoned village hidden among the Red Mountains was odd enough, but the way their crazy eyes were seemingly trying to not only penetrate his soul, but his clothes too, Zero was just about to 'NOPE' out when he found himself feeling rather...dizzy? Waking up in a dimly lit cabin to one of the women attempting to peel off his top....) Bachelor Number Six: @Martin (19)   Charles Coaulsofur. This is the sort of man that exudes charm through no effort of his own, gathering attention from both women and men, which is enjoyed equally by him. Charles is a figurehead, well known through all of Simul for his skill in metalwork, not only by mundane, but by his natural talent for enchanting metals, from jewelry to sculptures, anyone with an enjoyment of the shiny things in life will have plenty to show off. Make no mistake though, ensnaring this exquisite piece of platinum (for not even gold can apply to how rare Charles is) is not for the faint-hearted. With well over a century of life, he avoids for fear of outliving and difficulty of relating to those with a similar lifespan. But for those who manage to win the heart of this dragon, they will be richly rewarded. A life of riches and luxury, mixed in with cozy warmth and a strong sense of adventure across Simul.  Strong enough to carry you over that threshold I see! (After Simul Quarterly is published, lonely souls and dragon hunters alike decided to wage war. For what, you ask? For the heart of Charles, of course! Now, it may be flattering to have people fight for your affection...but that was not the 'heart' the hunters were after. And after a few weeks of dodging bullets and...bullets, Charles would find himself in a very peculiar situation. All he wanted to do was go the the general store and get some flour for bread...why were there people confessing their love while simultaneously throwing explosives at a long line of tied up prisoners? OH GOD.) Bachelor Number Seven: @Spook This is Joseph. Joseph is a talented mage and swordsman, seeking to decipher the literal secrets of life and death. He specializes in lightning and water magic, and favors swords and spears. Right now he's technically an advanced student at Gul Academui, undertaking solo studies while occasionally giving lectures. He isn't afraid to kill for fight for protect the ones he cares about. He's also got an unhealthy sleep schedule something of a night owl, and happens to be of a foreign draconic lineage. His main interests include exploring new branches of magic to study, and even if it's not something he can learn, he still appreciates incredible innate power natural talent in others. He has a soft spot for avian creatures having raised a griffon, and enjoys long fights walks on the beach.  Hauntingly handsome, if I do say so myself! (After Simul Quarterly is published, Joe had been doing what he always did. Training and reading nd attending classes like a 'good bean'. Hey, he was trying, right? For a couple months since the article, Joe had found himself in a few situations here and there. Clingy women, envious and aroused men, and even the occasional sentient beast had come to try their hand at capturing this brooding man's heart, all for naught. Needless to say, this did not go over well with some. Unfortunately for Joe, some of the some were...very powerful. One in particular that had had her eye on the mage for quite some time. As poor Joe-bean was just walking down the hall of Gul Academui, he could feel the eyes on him. Damn, he wished Silver was there to take the heat off of him. Just as the thought passed through his mind, the sound of slamming bodies coming from behind him had Joe spinning around, just in time to witness the last victim's face hit a marble wall. Before he could help the fallen, he too was slammed against the wall, but a warm, female form pressed against his front. A finger tilted his chin to her crazy wide eyes. "What's it gonna take to make you mine?") Bachelor Number Eight: Last in our list, but certainly not least: Lord Silver Drafaylum @Silver Drafaylum Despite his high title, fairly earned in the lands of Simul, Silver is not only mysterious, but humble. How such aspects could be paired with a man this good looking? Having made a name in our kingdom by his many works in aiding, philanthropy and charity, the half wolf, half elf masterpiece is almost a household name. Recently available, Silver may not be looking for anything serious, but this writer has it on good authority that he is a sucker for dark haired beauties and hopes for a family of his own. If stability is what you want, this wolf man is a fantastic choice! I mean, come one, the man lives in a castle! Known for his good looks, the company he keeps, and the viscous way he protects his own, this Lord is easily one of the best choices for a Happily Ever After.  Do you think you can tame the beast within? (After Simul Quarterly is published, Silver was hit hard. Not violently, not yet. Being the owner and 'dean' of a magical academy made his already known name rather large after the Simul Quarterly came out. For weeks, the poor man had to endure love letters, unnecessary gifts, and relentless pioneering by males and females alike. Luckily, with his particular set of skills, he could often teleport out for 'emergencies' and 'Guardian matters'. Still, this did not stop the onslaught of 'fans'. In the background, unbeknownst to anyone, a small cult within the school walls had started. Senka happened upon the secret room, but before she could warm the wolven man, the group of a dozen women cast a sealing circle around her artificial body, trapping her behind walls. Though the effort was temporary, it was just enough time to find the headmaster and explain their...'emergency'. Silver, being the protective man he is, followed the group of women down a hallways he knew they shouldn't have been. That's when he found himself lost in his own cas-Wait. This wasn't his castle. Where the hell was he? And why was his head so were really pretty.) Thank you for reading Simul Quarterly! This is Flynn, signing off!
Simul Quarterly Issue 1 (Original Date June, 2023) content media
Jan 21, 2024
In Memoirs of Simul
Credit to @Muse
Violence Will Always Be The Answer content media
Jan 12, 2024
In Memoirs of Simul
Credit to @Spook
Not....wrong. content media
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